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Welcome to our riding community!

Supportive and incisive instruction of practical dressage skills for all types of horses and riders. 

What we can do together:

 I am excited to share my passion and knowledge with horse owners and riders of all types. In 2022 we relocated to Oregon and leased a lovely private barn in the beautiful hills of Troutdale. I can support you wherever you are in your journey of dressage, from basic fundamentals, to increasing strength, balance and suppleness of you and your horse, to coaching through your show season. I would enjoy hearing about your hopes and dreams for your journey, and together we can explore how I can support your growth and success.

January 2025 UPDATES

In 2023 Spot helped me to earn my Silver Medal in Working Equitation and we ended up High Point on the leader board at Level 5. So I had to dream big to have 2024 top that! I'm very proud to say client owned Maestoso Petra stepped up to the challenge. Despite never showing in any discipline before, "PT" learned all the obstacles and conquered his nerves to finish Reserve Champion at Zone Finals and 2nd place in the nation at Level 2. We have a very full show schedule planned for the year, and I've been invited to teach monthly clinics at a wonderful location in Ridgefield, WA.

We have Part Lease Options at our barn in Troutdale! Reach out for details. There is currently a one opening for a client to have their horses in lesson/training with boarding. Although there are a few limited options for lead line lessons for riders under 5, we are not able to offer beginner lessons on school horses at this time. Haul in for lesson on weekdays.
Warm up canter 2
Show team
Full & Partial Training
Lease horses
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